Δευτέρα 11 Νοεμβρίου 2013


Gyula Halasz was born in Brasso, Hungary in 1899 and died in France in 1984.
(The name Brassai comes from his hometown.)

Couple d'amoureux, rue Croulebarbe Quartier Italie, vers.1932
*image downloaded from www.flickr.com

Couple au bal musette des Quatre-Saisons, rue de Lappe, vers.1932
*image downloaded from www.flickr.com

Couple d'amoure ux sur un banc et un clochard, boulevard Saint-Jacques, 
*image downloaded from www.flickr.com

Lovers in the Latin Quarter, 1932
copyright of Mme G.Brassai
*image downloaded from www.masters-of-photography.com

Lovers in a Bistro, 1932-33
copyright of Mme G.Brassai
*image downloaded from www.masters-of-photography.com

Prostitute at angle of rue de la Reynie and rue Quincampoix, 
from "Paris by Night", 1933
copyright of Mme G.Brassai
*image downloaded from www.masters-of-photography.com

Open Gutter, from "Paris by Night", 1933
copyright of Mme G.Brassai
*image downloaded from www.masters-of-photography.com

Cirque Medrano, 1932
*image downloaded from www.flickr.com

Chez Suzy, 1932-33
copyright of Mme G.Brassai
*image downloaded from www.masters-of-photography.com

Seville, 1952-53
copyright of Mme G.Brassai
*image downloaded from www.masters-of-photography.com